What is the difference between RAM and ROM
Whenever we buy a mobile or a laptop, we see how much RAM and ROM are, but do you know what RAM and ROM are and what does not. So today we will tell you what is the ROM
ram & rom

what is Ram?

Ram's full name is Random Access Memory. It is used to store data. Save data in RAM can be used randomly (if needed, if needed), in which the data can be arranged in any order by which machines can easily access data Will be able to. Rama allows the machine or computer to use the data directly, due to which the programs or apps present in the computer work smoothly and quickly. This is the reason that there will be more RAM on the mobile or computer, the faster it will work.

Ram is of two types

(1) stable ram

(2) dynamic RAM

RAM is used for operating systems, processes and programs 

what is Rom?

The ROM has a full form of read-only memory. It is also used to store the data. The data stored in it can be read only by machine or computer but can not be changed so it is called read-only memory.There is often a hint of data stored in the ROM such as when a computer is stored, it starts booting, the information or instruction related to it is stored in the computer's ROM and it is already stored by the company in ROM Which cannot be changed later, can only be readROM is a non-volatile memory, even when the computer is locked, the data remains closed even if the ISM service is closed but the data is not deleted.ROM is used for booting because it maintains booting connection dataThe following types of Rome are - PROM, EPROM, and EEPROM

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