pm modi's interview

Interesting Interview with Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Akshay Kumar

Akshay Kumar asks 10 interesting questions from Prime Minister Modi, Prime Minister Modi's interesting answer
pm modi with akshay kumar
Prime Minister Modi gave an interview to Akshay Kumar in the midst of electoral stirring in which he shared many secrets of his heart. In this interview, Prime Minister Modi gave many such secrets about which many people know about. Meanwhile, Prime Minister Modi answered many interesting questions of his journey from his childhood to becoming the Prime Minister of the country
Answering the questions of Prime Minister Modi Akshay Kumar

Akshay Kumar - you go to Twitter and Instagram yourself, how do you feel after seeing the Mimas?
PM Modi- I see all the information about this world. I also see your account, I also see the account of the twinkle, seeing the account of the twinkle, I feel that the anger which he gets on me, is your family life. Peace will be there because all their anger would have escaped me and you would have rest, seeing me, I enjoy, little to Modi, creativity Mr.'ll see more of my opposition would then comes the benefit of social media is the command comes great pleasure in an understanding sense, the creativity of mind fun
akshay with pm
Akshay - So big is your house. Do not you mind that your parents stay at home with you?
PM Modi- If I had come out of the house as the Prime Minister then perhaps my mind would have definitely done but I came home from a very young age. After which the life got detached. My training has also happened in the same way. It is difficult to leave in a state. At the time I left home, there was a lot of trouble but now life has become like that. Whenever I feel like I have called my mother, spend some time with her. Whenever I meet my mother, I will keep the money on my hands. Mother says why to waste time behind me, what should I do here, people come to the village, talk things I can not even give time
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